Marnixkade 109F
1015 ZL Amsterdam
The shopping area in the center of Hoofddorp has chosen to count visitors for the next 4 years with Bureau RMC. Monthly visitor counts will be conducted, along with analysis on where visitors come from. Over the next few years, the center of Hoofddorp will undergo significant renovation, and RMC's data will help visualize the impact of these changes. Hoofddorp, thank you!
After a two-year hiatus, Sneek has again chosen to have its shopping area visitor data researched by RMC for the next 3 years. Daily visitor counts will be measured, with monthly reports on the catchment areas of shoppers. Additionally, yearly reports will provide insights into the various shopper lifestyles. What do shoppers value? How do they make purchasing decisions? Which stores do they shop at (online/offline)? What media channels reach them best, and which events resonate most with them? Sneek, thank you!
Vestigingsplaatsonderzoek om potentie nieuwe locaties Street Jump te bepalen Vestigingsplaatsonderzoek.
Vestigingsplaatsonderzoek om potentie nieuwe locaties Street Jump te bepalen Vestigingsplaatsonderzoek.
Vestigingsplaatsonderzoek om potentie nieuwe locaties Street Jump te bepalen Vestigingsplaatsonderzoek.
Vestigingsplaatsonderzoek om potentie nieuwe locaties Street Jump te bepalen Vestigingsplaatsonderzoek.
Vestigingsplaatsonderzoek om potentie nieuwe locaties Street Jump te bepalen Vestigingsplaatsonderzoek.
As an alderman, I like to be assisted by knowledgeable people. In the retail field, Bureau RMC does just that, including developing the retail vision. RMC painted a realistic picture. I was also very impressed by the way they led an information evening for all retailers in Alphen.
RMC has been helping us for years to keep a finger on the pulse of retail in the Netherlands. Their data and reports align perfectly with our needs as a data-driven company.
The cooperation with Bureau RMC is pleasant, constructive and solution-oriented.
As an alderman, I like to be assisted by knowledgeable people. In the retail field, Bureau RMC does just that, including developing the retail vision. RMC painted a realistic picture. I was also very impressed by the way they led an information evening for all retailers in Alphen.
RMC has been helping us for years to keep a finger on the pulse of retail in the Netherlands. Their data and reports align perfectly with our needs as a data-driven company.
The cooperation with Bureau RMC is pleasant, constructive and solution-oriented.
Marnixkade 109F
1015 ZL Amsterdam
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